Archive for the ‘Your career & resume’ Category

2 Words that will Change your life TODAY by Joel Osteen: Faith Words, Oct. 2019

my personal “IAM” daily affirmations:  some are from, paraphrased from &/or inspired by Joel Osteen’s book 2 Words that will change your life TODAY.

Thank You, Eternal divine Christ-Light Presence, that I AM [that ALL-who-are-willing are:  e.g., all beings, non-beings species, non-species; within, around & through all dimensions, non-dimensions & infinitely more …]

gently, safely, calmly, securely, easily, effortlessly, peacefully, protectedly, lovingly, infinitely, instantly, automatically, eternally, everlastingly, compoundingly, gratefully, joyfully, joyously, blessed, completely, kindly, always … & infinitely more …

awesome, amiable, affable, acclaimed, admitted, admired, applauded, amazing, advanced,  abundant, abundance, amazing, awarded, all …

beautiful, brilliance, brilliant, bubbly, blessed, bright, brightest, bountiful …

courageous, courage, caring, calm, cheerful, charismatic, charisma, calming, charming …

delightful, delighted, delighting, delight, dear, dearest, darling, dedicated, divine …

efferescant, everlasting, eternal, early, enough / more than enough, enthusiastic, enthusiasm, effervescent, effervesence, exciting, excited, excitement, enlightened, enlightening, enlightenment, enriched, enriching …

fun, fun-loving, funny, friend, friendliest, friendly, friend, fantastic, fabulous, family, fulfilled, free, fine, forgiven, forgiving …

gentle, gentlest, gently, generous, grace, graceful, gracious, glory, glorious, generous, generosity, glamorous, grand, grandest, guided, genius, gifted, gifting, guarded, gratified, gratefully …

Highest Power, Highest Glory, Highest Destiny, healthiest, happiest, holy, holiest, heart-felt …

intelligence, intelligent, illuminated, instant, inventive, ingenious, inspired, inspiring, immortal, immortality, interested, interesting, I AM, innovative, innovated,  …

justice, joy, jubilant, jubilation, just, joyous, joyously, joyful. joyfully …

kind, kin, king, knowing, known, kindest …

love, loving, light, Life, lucious, luciously, lavish, lavishly, luxurious, luxuriously, lovingkind, likeable, lovable, lovingkindness …

mindful, magnificent, magnificently, majestic, majestically, miraculous, miraculously, marvelous, marvelously meaningful, meaningfully …

new, now, numinous, nice, neighborly, noteworthy …

Om, order, orderly, omnipotent, omniscient, omni-loving, omnipresent, omnipopular, omni-healthy, omni-prosperous, omni-beautiful, opportunities-filled …

peace, prayer, presence, present, popular, pretty, powerful, patience, pleasant, plenty, protected, protection, prosperity, prosperous …

queenly, quintessence, quickened, quiet, queen, quick …

regal, royal, rested, resplendent, resplendence, restored, restoring, resurrected, redeemed, redeeming, revitalized, revitalizing, recognized, recognition, renewed, renewing, rejuvenated, rejuvenating, renewing, renewed, reenergized, re-energizing, resurrected, resurrecting, re-beautifying, re-beautified …

safe, safest, secure, serene, serendipity, sensation, spirited, spirit, strong, strongest, splendid, satisfied, satisfying, stupendous, soulful, successful, sacred, smart, smartest, showcased, spotlighted  …

tremendous, trustworthy, truthful, truth, transfigured, transfiguring, transformed, transforming, thankful, thankfully, thanksgiving, tremendous, tremendously, terrific, trustworthy, thrilled, thrilling …

union, uplifting, uplifted, unconditional, unconditionally, unconditionally lovingkind, understanding, understood …

vim, vigor, victorious, vivacious, victory, victorious, victoriously …

wise, willing, wealthy, winsome, wonderful, wondrous, wealthy, winner, whole …

x  ecstasy, ecstatic, exhilaration, excel, excelling, excellent, excellence, exuberance, exuberant, exciting …

y  yes, Yahweh, yielding, yield, yahoo! yippee! …

zest, zeal, zip, zoom …











Theodore Roosevelt:  The most practical kind of politics is the politics of decency.

Oprah’s Golden Globes’ acceptance speech: this generation’s version of “I Have a Dream” speech

Oprah Winfrey’s rousing acceptance speech about social values for her Lifetime Achievement Award:

Inspiring Websites from “The Passion Test” by Attwood & Attwood

Take what you like & leave the rest (copy & paste into your browser, if any links, below, don’t instantly connect to the your chosen Website; or use “Google” to find most up-to-date links): & to take the Passion Test: & to access the e-book: or become a certified Passion Test facilitator:

I participated in two “Money & You” 3-day, intensive experiences & highly recommend the wisdom, focus & power of the dynamic learning:;

Additional resources for your consideration:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

from “Passion Test” contributor-authors:;;

Read interviews of folks, whose remarks are included in “The Passion Test” book:;;;;;;;;;;;

More resources:;;;;;
















I am eternally grateful for friends’ & colleagues’ appreciation of me. Thank you, ALL!

Many thanks to the following individuals & organizations that have honored me with their respective awards:

2017 Sigma Delta Pi chapter at TX Tech Univ.:  Alice White Service Award; 2017 Mary V. Hatfield Service to Animals Award; 2015 Ray Diekemper Lifetime of Service Award from the Volunteer Center of Lubbock; 2015 named perpetual honoree of the annual Alice V. White Humanitarian of the Year award by the East Lubbock Gateway organization, 2015 Rotarian of the Year by the Rotary Club of Fredericksburg Evening – Nimitz; 2014 Hispana of the Year from the Hispanic Association of Women / Lubbock; 2013 Gold Medalist in Communication from the Association of Women in Communications, Inc. / Lubbock Chapter; 2012 Pacesetter from South Plains College Foundation in Levelland, TX; 2010 Community Champion from the TX Tech Latino / Hispanic Faculty-Staff Association;  2007 Boots Adams Bringing Races Together Award;  2004 Queen for a Day from the TX Higher Education Coordinating Board; 1999 only Honorary Laboratorian from the Texas Department of Health; 1990s numerous excellence in public-health communication & outreach awards; 1992 Most Creative Volunteer Project from the Texas Dept. of Mental Health & Mental Retardation; 1991 Honorary Sixth Member of her classmates’ PhD dissertation committees three-decade: 1970-80-90 Named Gift Honoree when she served as biennial President of the Kansas Division & the Dodge City branch of the American Association of University Women; 1987 Athena Award from the Dodge City, KS, Women’s Chamber of Commerce; 1986 Kansas P.R.I.D.E. for a collaboration among Dodge City Community College, Saint Mary of the Plains College & the Southwest Area Vocational Technical School; 1973 100 Best Managed Farms in the US from Farm Futures magazine. 1970 golden-hog trophy during an annual Ford County, KS, Swine & Carcass Show.

As the founder &/or major donor for 81 endowments at colleges, universities, community foundations & her college fraternity, she fulfills author Malcom Gladwell’s definition of a “connector:”  a “handful of exceptional  people” with “a special gift for bringing the world together” by “moving up & down & back & forth among all the different worlds & subcultures & niches & levels.”

Great Leaders Create a Culture of Quitters!

Great Leaders Create a Culture of Quitters! | Patrick Leddin, Ph.D. | Pulse | LinkedIn

Great Leaders Create a Culture of Quitters!

You are likely familiar with the concept that employees don’t quit companies, they quit leaders.

It is with this in mind that many organizations invest time, energy, and resources developing leaders who foster employee engagement.

Yes, employees might quit an organization because of a bad leader; however, these same employees may quit their own bad behaviors because of a good leader.

In other words, great leaders create a culture of quitters!

Some of you may be thinking…

Wait a second; great leaders create cultures that encourage people to try new approaches, take on different roles, and apply new solutions. They don’t create a culture of quitters.

Oh, yes they do!

Great leaders encourage people to quit trying in four key areas.

I invite you to invest a few minutes reading about each area and reflecting on your mindset, behaviors, and results.

1. Quit Trying to Please Everyone

Blame it on your upbringing, your DNA, or some other force, but many of us our compelled to please others. We don’t like the idea of someone being disappointed with, frustrated about, or indifferent toward us.

So, we try to please everyone. Not only does this waste time and energy, but it is a fruitless endeavor, because you can’t please everyone.

What do great leaders do? Great leaders give employees permission to disappoint some people. These leaders work with their employees to uncover who truly matters most to the success of the team and organization. This gives employees the freedom to say ‘no’ to certain requests and give a big ‘yes’ to others.

2. Quit Trying to Do Everything

You have a finite amount of time, energy, and resources. When you attempt to do everything, you usually accomplish nothing with excellence. Yes, you might understand the law of diminishing returns at an intellectual level, but when faced with the choice of doing one task over another, you may let our feelings or egos push you to try to do everything.

What do great leaders do? Great leaders work with team members to determine the team or organization’s most important goals, and to ensure clarity about the role everyone plays. Getting clear on which goals matter most and who does what, allows team members to prioritize their efforts, and, like not trying to please everyone, they learn what tasks to accomplish and which ones to let go.

3. Quit Trying to Fix Everything

Most organizations measure things – arguably too many things.

Take a look around your organization. Odds are that if you can measure it, you do. The natural tendency when you measure everything is to try to optimize everything. When you try optimize everything, you typically create no sustainable advantages.

What do great leaders do? Great leaders give employees permission to be just ok at somethings. They do this by allowing some measures to be sub-optimal, or cut the measure altogether in order to provide a very clear set of measurable goals that will allow employees to play a winning game.

4. Quit Trying to Control Everything

Since birth, many of us have tried to control everything. Some even incessantly watch the weather, the stock market, or the daily traffic report in an effort to control the outcome. Highly effective people know that the best energy is placed on things you can control or influence.

What do great leaders do? Great leaders allow employees to let go of things they can’t control and focus on things that employees can truly influence. These leaders also assist employees to accomplish certain tasks by lending the leader’s influence, access, or skill-set.

So, how are you doing?

Take a few minutes to assess yourself as a quitter. Ask yourself how well you are doing and whether or not you are creating a culture of successful quitters.

  • Are you clear on who truly matters most to the success of your team or organization? Do you put the majority of your energy to serving these most important customers?
  • Are you clear on your team or organization’s top goals? Can you name them and explain how well you are performing? Are you clear on the role you play in driving desire results?
  • Are you measuring the fewest number of items in order to ensure clarity? Or, do you measure everything and attempt to optimize everything?
  • Do you obsess about things that are out of your control in hopes that you can somehow gain the outcome you desire? Or, do you focus on what you can do and put your energy in those areas?


If you found this post useful, I invite you to FOLLOW me.

Why would you follow me?

I write leadership and marketing articles based on current topics to emphasize my points. I work to keep them relevant, actionable, and informative. I want to positively impact as many people as possible and would love to add you to the list.

I’m at close to 22,000 followers. I’d love to hit 25,000 by May 1.

Last thing, consider taking a look at my latest article and asking yourself if you are a camel or a dog?

All the best- Patrick

Patrick Leddin, Ph.D.

Patrick Leddin, Ph.D.

Professor, Vanderbilt UniversityGlobal ConsultantWriter

AVW template for top line of e-messages

AVW template for top line of e-messages:  [Sent “bcc” – to avoid scrolling through e-addresses.  I apologize for duplicates due to your various leadership roles.  Please apply for funding &/or e-forward to other individuals, lifelong students, organizations; public health, community & faith-based organizations; colleges’ & universities’ financial-aid, departmental-level offices, faculty / staff senate, student organizations, study-abroad offices, etc.  Thank you.  To unsubscribe, please e-Reply & include “unsubscribe” & include these numbers: 121-140.  The numbers help me locate & delete your e-address from among the 20,000+ e-addresses on my hundreds of e-lists  Thank you & best wishes always in the fulfillment of your life goals.]always in the fulfillment of your life goals.]

Core Values judging primer for robotics competitions

10 Things to Know as a FIRST LEGO League Judge
Please be sure to check out for additional information, including Judging     Q & A from throughout the season:   FIRST LEGO League Challenge:
Judging Questions:
We hope your experience as a Judge is rewarding and enjoyable!
10. Have fun – you & the kids
The most important thing to know about a FIRST LEGO League tournament is that it is supposed to be FUN. The mission of FIRST is to get kids excited about science &
technology. A competition is a celebration of what the children have accomplished throughout the season. It should be serious & competitive, but not so much that the fun is lost.
9. Exhibit Gracious Professionalism & honor FIRST LEGO League Core Values
These are the basic foundations of FIRST LEGO League, & should always be at the forefront in everyone’s minds.  We offer specific awards to recognize Core Values excellence, but a significant concern can impact team eligibility in any award category.
8. Be a good role model for technology & engineering careers Give the kids a chance to see what makes engineers, scientists, computer programmers & educators special.
Share your experiences without sharing your agendas. Be professional – show the kids that what they have accomplished is appreciated & valuable. Show interest in their presentations & discussions, & be personable.
7. Respect the children
Please keep negative comments to yourself, away from the ears of the kids, parents & coaches. All teams should be given the benefit of the doubt when questions arise about
adult involvement. If you suspect the kids did not do the work, it is your job to probe further to prove it, rather than assuming that the kids did not do the work. Remember that
these are kids who worked hard all season to make it to the tournament. Treat their accomplishments with respect & be sure that other Judges do so as well. One negative
comment from a Judge can have a devastating effect on teams. Make it your goal as a Judge to ensure that the teams know what they did well, & that they have a positive
experience showcasing their achievements.
6. Respect the judging process
Stay on schedule. The kids have a more challenging schedule than you do. Remember the FIRST LEGO League awards philosophy. Remember that the whole judging process
is subjective. Concentrate on providing a great experience for the kids & try not to get caught up in the mechanics of the process. Do not share scores or awards discussions with the kids, coaches or parents.
5. Evaluate teams completely & fairly
Each rubric is designed to evaluate many areas of a team’s performance & gives equal weighting to several factors tied to specific awards. All Core Awards are of equal importance, except for our Champion’s Award that recognizes all-around
excellence. Be objective, both on a team-by-team basis & a total rubric evaluation basis. Familiarize yourself with the levels of achievement. Identify any conflicts of interest you
have before the competition & refrain from involving yourself in discussions about any team when you have a conflict.
4. Consider age appropriateness & experience
Consider age when evaluating teams. Certain skills, knowledge & capabilities are more likely to be exhibited by the kids as they get older & more experienced in general &
in FIRST LEGO League in particular. You may also see rookie teams that are more polished & understand FIRST LEGO League better than experienced teams.
3. Reward excellence & celebrate achievement
For a team to be considered for an award, they should be evaluated at an Exemplary level of achievement in that category whenever possible. Award distribution is spread as
equitably as possible among the teams, with the goal of no team winning more than one judged award.
2. Provide specific & constructive feedback
Please be specific when providing feedback comments to teams. This will also help when it comes to awards deliberations – specific examples are very helpful when differentiating between teams. “This team’s willingness to help other teams (by providing programming mentorship, for example) is exemplary” is more descriptive & helpful than “that team was so nice & polite & exhibited gracious professionalism.” Take lots of notes if you need to!
1. See #10 again!

Gracious Professionalism
Inclusion – Look for how well a team incorporates ideas from everyone & makes each team member feel like a valued part of the team. Determine how well the team understands that working together allows them to accomplish more than they could by working alone.

An Accomplished team will exhibit balanced involvement, with most team members actively contributing ideas.
Respect –Judges must look beyond teams that show good manners & are a “nice group of kids”. We expect decent behavior to be the norm. Accomplished teams act & speak with integrity; they understand that what they say & do has the power to impact others & situations.
Coopertition™ – Look for ways that a team honors the spirit of friendly competition, including any assistance provided or received from other teams. Determine how team members help each other and other teams, prepare for & approach potentially stressful competition experiences throughout the season.   ttp://             FIRST®, the FIRST® logo, Coopertition, and Gracious Professionalism are registered trademarks of the Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology  (FIRST®). LEGO® and the LEGO logo are registered trademarks of the LEGO Group.  FIRST® LEGO® League and ANIMAL ALLIES are jointly held trademarks  of FIRST and the LEGO Group. ©2016 FIRST. All rights reserved.  FL004

The Core Values
The Core Values are the heart of FIRST® LEGO® League. By embracing the Core
Values, participants learn that friendly competition and mutual gain are not separate
goals, and that helping one another is the foundation of teamwork. Review the
Core Values with your team & discuss them whenever they are needed.
We are a team.
• We do the work to find solutions with guidance from our coaches & mentors.
• We know our coaches & mentors don’t have all the answers; we learn together.
• We honor the spirit of friendly competition.
• What we discover is more important than what we win.
• We share our experiences with others.
• We display Gracious Professionalism® & Coopertition® in everything we do.
• We have FUN!

Create a Core Values poster
1. Discuss ways your team used the Core Values this season – both in team meetings & in
other parts of life. Make a list of examples.
2. Ask your team to select examples that highlight the specific Core Values areas, below.
These are typically the most challenging categories for Judges to explore during judging
sessions. The poster can help your team present their successes in an organized format.

a. Discovery: Provide examples from the season about things your team discovered that
were not focused on gaining an advantage in the competition or winning an award. Tell
the Judges how the team balanced all three parts of FIRST® LEGO® League (Core
Values, Project & Robot Game), especially if they were really excited about one part.

b. Integration: Provide examples of how your team applied the Core Values & other
things you learned through FIRST LEGO League to situations outside of team activities.
Let the Judges know how team members integrated new ideas, skills & abilities into
their everyday life.

c. Inclusion: Describe how your team listened to & considered ideas from everyone &
made each team member feel like a valued part of the team. Share with the Judges how
they accomplished more by working together than any team member could have done

d. Coopertition: Describe how your team honors the spirit of friendly competition. Include
information about how your team provided assistance to &/or received assistance
from other teams. Share with the Judges how your team members help each other, &
help other teams to prepare for a potentially stressful competition experience.

e. Other: Use the middle of the poster to highlight anything else your team would like to
share with the Judges about the remaining Core Values criteria. Maybe consider
sharing examples of Team Spirit, Respect, or Teamwork.
• Find the Core Values listed in the Challenge.
• Learn about what to expect from Core Values Judging & read tips from experienced Coaches in the Coaches’ Handbook:
• Your team will be assessed in the judging room using a standard rubric. Review the Core
Values judging information & rubric.
If you are completely new, check out the FIRST LEGO League Resource Library for videos,
tips & additional helpful rookie links:

Volunteer code of conduct

Gracious Professionalism® – A FIRST Credo
As a FIRST volunteer, it is important to understand that Gracious Professionalism is a FIRST-wide credo. It is a best practice for participants and volunteers alike. It is a FIRST Community initiative that benefits us all. As a FIRST volunteer you have been given the opportunity to take the lead in demonstrating the essence of this most important FIRST tenet.

FIRST Code of Conduct
By accepting a volunteer position with us, you have a responsibility to FIRST and to your fellow volunteers to adhere to FIRST’s Code of Conduct (which can be found in the YPP Program Guide). When each person is aware that he or she can fully depend upon fellow volunteers to follow this Code of Conduct, then our organization will be a better place to volunteer for everyone.

Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution: Artificial Intelligence, the Exponential Age!

insights at the beginning of 2017:  Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution:  Artificial Intelligence, the Exponential Age!  Interesting predictions … the past & the future.

a meaningful review:  In 1998, Kodak had 170,000 employees & sold 85% of all photo paper worldwide.   Within just a few years, their business model disappeared, & they went bankrupt.      

What happened to Kodak will happen in a lot of industries in the next 10 years.  Most people won’t see it coming. 
Did you think in 
1998 that 3 years later you would never take pictures on film again?  Yet digital cameras were invented in 1975.  The first ones only had 10,000 pixels, but followed Moore ‘s law:  a disappointment for a time, before it became way superior & became mainstream in only a few short years. 

It will now happen again with Artificial Intelligence, health, autonomous & electric cars, education, 3-dimensional printing, agriculture & jobs. 

Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution.  Welcome to the Exponential Age . 

Software will disrupt most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years.

Uber is just a software tool, they don’t own any cars & are now the biggest taxi company in the world.

AirBnB is now the biggest hotel company in the world, although they don’t own any properties.

Artificial  Intelligence:  Computers become exponentially better in understanding the world. This year, a computer beat the best Go-player in the world, 10 years earlier than expected.

In the US, young  lawyers already don’t get jobs.   Because of IBM’s Watson, you can get legal advice (so far, for more or less basic stuff) within seconds, with 90% accuracy compared with 70% accuracy when done by humans.

So if you study law, stop immediately.  There will be 90% fewer lawyers in the future, only specialists will remain.

IBM’s Watson already helps nurses diagnosing cancer, it’s 4 times more accurate than human nurses.

Facebook now has a pattern recognition software that can recognize faces better than humans.  In 2030, computers will become more intelligent than humans.

Autonomous cars: In  2018 the first self-driving cars will appear for the public. Around 2020, the complete industry will start to be disrupted. You don’t want to own a car anymore.  You will call a car with your phone, & it will show up at your location & drive you to your destination. You will not need to park it, you only pay for the driven distance & can be productive while riding.

Our kids will never get a driver’s licence & will never own a car.

It will change the cities, because we will need 90-95% fewer cars for that.  We can transform former parking spaces into parks.

1.2 million people die each year in car accidents worldwide.  We now have one accident every 60,000 miles (100,000 km), with autonomous driving that will drop to 1 accident in 6 million miles (10 million km). That will save a million lives each year.

Most car companies will probably become bankrupt.  Traditional car companies try the evolutionary approach & just build a better car, while tech companies (Tesla, Apple, Google) will do the revolutionary approach & build a computer on wheels.

Many engineers from Volkswagen & Audi are completely terrified of Tesla.

Insurance companies will have massive trouble because without accidents, the insurance will become 100x cheaper.   Their car-insurance business model will disappear.

Real estate will change.  Because if you can work while you commute, people will move further away to live in a more beautiful neighborhood.

Electric cars will become mainstream about 2020.  Cities will be less noisy because all new cars will run on electricity.

Electricity will become incredibly cheap & clean:  Solar production has been on an exponential curve for 30 years, but you can now see the burgeoning impact.

Last year, more solar energy was installed worldwide than fossil.  Energy companies are desperately trying to limit access to the grid to prevent competition from home solar installations, but that can’t last. Technology will take care of that strategy.

With cheap electricity comes cheap & abundant water.  Desalination of salt water now only needs 2kWh per cubic meter (@$.025). We don’t have scarce water in most places, we only have scarce drinking water.  Imagine what will be possible if anyone can have as much clean water as s/he wants, for nearly no cost.

Health: The Tricorder X price will be announced this year.  There are companies who will build a medical device (called the “Tricorder” from Star Trek) that works with your phone, which takes your retina scan, your blood sample & you breath into it.

It then analyses 54 bio-markers that will identify nearly any disease.  It will be cheap, so in a few years everyone on this planet will have access to world-class medical analysis, nearly for free — Good by, medical establishment.

3-dimensional printing: The price of the cheapest 3-D printer came down from $18,000 to $400 within 10 years. In the same time, it  became 100 times faster.  All major shoe companies have already started 3D printing shoes

Some spare airplane parts are already 3-D printed in remote airports.  The space station now has a printer that eliminates the need for the large amount of spare parts they used to have in the past.

At the end of this year, new smart phones will have 3-D scanning possibilities.  You can then 3-D scan your feet & print your perfect shoe at home.

In China , they already 3-D printed & built a complete 6-story office building.  By 2027, 10% of everything that’s being  produced will be 3-D printed.

Business opportunities: If you think of a niche you want to go in, first ask yourself: “In the future, do I think we will have that?” & if the answer is “Yes,” then how can you make that happen sooner?

If it doesn’t work with your phone, forget the idea.  And any idea designed for success in the 20th century is doomed to failure in the 21st century.

Work : 70-80% of jobs will disappear in the next 20 years. There will be a lot of new jobs, but it is not clear if there will be enough new jobs in such a short time.  This will require a re-think on wealth distribution.              

Agriculture: There will be a $100 agricultural robot in the future.  Farmers in 3rd world countries can then become managers of their field instead of working all day on their fields.

Aeroponics will need much less water. The first Petri dish produced veal, is now available & will be cheaper than cow produced veal in 2018. Right now, 30% of all agricultural surfaces is used for cows.  Imagine if we don’t need that space anymore.

There are several start-ups that will bring insect protein to the market shortly.  It contains more protein than meat. It will be labelled as “alternative protein source”  (because most people still reject the idea of eating insects).

There is a computer application / app called “moodies” which can already tell in which mood youre in.  By 2020 there will be apps that can tell by your facial expressions whether you are lying.  Imagine a political debate where it’s being displayed when theyre telling the truth & when theyre not.

Educational opportunities & resources for drop-out recovery students ages 14-21: & or 512-477-4226 or 512-608-5580

Please get involved &/or e-forward to folks who may be interested in educational opportunities & resources for drop-out recovery students ages 14-21.

Austin Can Academy is a drop-out recovery charter high school operating on Austin’s east side. We support the students who are unable to make it in a traditional school environment & help remove any barriers to support each student’s academic & post-secondary goals.   Austin Can Academy   2406 Rosewood Avenue    Austin, Texas 78702   512-477-4226.  Contact or 512.477.4226 or 512.608.5580.

Austin Can Academy OFFERS to YOU, your friends, family, faith community, businesses & colleagues … opportunities to

  1. Lead youth!  Become a role-model heroine / hero / mentor for one or more of our 250 / year 2017 graduates.
  2. Garden!  Provide direction & assistant for our school garden —  needs a great “revamp” leading into the fall season.  We have plenty of land, & we have enthusiastic science students to maintain the land.
  3. Inspire adult-leaders! Austin Can Academy seeks a few more members of the Austin community to join our fund-development council.


Austin Can Academy WISHES … that YOU, your friends, family, faith community, businesses & colleagues would fulfill

  1. Build a school-to-job pipeline: Our students are ready, willing & eager to enter the workforce as soon as possible after graduating from Austin Can Academy.  We want to bring more career training into Austin Can for the students to utilize prior to graduation — in order to avoid a period of unemployment or self-doubt.
  2. Join community leaders in a student-led coffee, tour or lunch on campus.  Become an Austin Can Advocate by spreading the good news about the effective resources & positive outcomes of Austin Can Academy students & alumni.
  3. Recommend an honoree:  We need your great suggestions for a fund-raising luncheon honoree:  a woman or man who has been an influencer &/or advocate of education, children/teens, healthcare, culture or more.

If you can accept Austin Can OFFER(S) &/or fulfill its WISH(ES), please contact Ashley Treat, at the Austin Can Academy | Texans Can Academies   512.477.4226 or 512.608.5580

Click here for our confidentiality notice

How thoughts become things

Quantum Physics 101:   The present is defined by a confluence of your thoughts — guided & restricted by your beliefs.

The future becomes the present when your beliefs change.

Time measures how much effort you require to change your thoughts.

And space shows exactly what you’re now thinking about.

And therein you see that the one, universal, immovable, unifying equation that sums up all things physical & metaphysical is Thoughts Become Things, which is all you really need to know.

Thoughts become things… choose the good ones! ®
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quotes (from PEACE Quotes offered by Living Compassion:  transforming lives, ending suffering & by a encyclopedia of inspirational thoughts at 

“Feelings come & go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”  Thich Nhat Hanh     ‘All the ups & downs are grace in different wrappings, sent to refine consciousness. Say “thanks” to them all.’   Mooji       “Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement…get up in the morning & look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed.”  Abraham Joshua Heschel       Life loves to be taken by the lapel & told, “I am with you kid. Let’s go.”  Maya Angelou       Always keep in mind,  that no matter what has happened, you did the very best you could.   And so did those who may have let you down.   Great Love,  The Universe:      Once you realize that the road is the goal & that you are always on the road, not to reach a goal, but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdom, life ceases to be a task & becomes natural & simple, in itself an ecstasy.   – Nisargadatta Maharaj from

Emily Dickinson:  Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough: &;  & & ABBA’s Take A Chance On Me (SPCA Pet Adoption Video). After watching this, go adopt a needy animal, & you’ll have a friend for life!  Watch amazing dogs at joyful play, intense work & doing amazing feats:  You’ll be glad you did:; & benefit from the “mental floss” medical benefits of a cat’s purr; admire honey badgers’ ingenuity: & accept Life’s invitation via Sufi poet Rumi:  “Come, come, whoever you are. Wonderer, Worshiper, Lover of Leaving. It doesn’t matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times. Come, yet again, come, come.”  And a reminder about Life’s beauty “within us:”  And theinspiration of TED / Technology Engineering Design talks: one breath-taking example of a TED talk (copy & paste the link into your browser):; & enjoying every moment — especially our work:  “Give us, O give us, the man who sings at his work! Be his occupation what it may, he is equal to any of those who follow the same pursuit in silent sullenness. He will do more in the same time — he will do it better, he will persevere longer. One is scarcely sensible of fatigue whilst he marches to music.”  – Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) Scottish Writer.

John Muir:  When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped & dotted with continents & islands, flying through space with other starsall singing & shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty.  What a wonderful world: & by Wendy Francisco:  “God & Dog:”  god_n_dog.wmv; & the elephant families that regularly walk through a hotel lobby:     And paradigm-breaking remarks from Alan Watts:  “You are that vast thing that you see far, far off with great telescopes” & from  “…let’s pretend, just for today, all day long, throughout our every thought & decision, that life is easy, that everyone means well, & that time is on our side. Okay? And let’s pretend that we are loved beyond belief, that magic conspires on our behalf, & that nothing can ever hurt us without our consent. All right?
And if we like this game, we’ll play tomorrow as well, & the next day, & the next, & pretty soon, it won’t be a game at all, because life, for us, will become those things. Just as it’s become what it is today.


Rabindranath Tagore:  The same stream of life that runs through my veinsnight & day runs through the world & dances in rhythmic measures:  watch a heroic fire fighter who resuscitates unconscious kitten: & New Guinea’s extraordinary birds of paradise from Cornell Univ. ornithology researchers: & the friendship between an over-board dog & life-saving dolphin: & a perfect-for-me, kitten-focused Lawson e-greeting card from childhood friend Cynthia Price Glynn:;typewriter artist with cerebral palsy artistically aligns 10 top-row, symbol keys to produce two-dimensional works of art: & watch while three-dimensional drawings come ALIVE before your eyes:      Now & then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness to just be happy.  – Guillaume Apollinaire    And inspiration & hope for humanity — via high school choir students: & be mesmerized by the imagination, brilliance, skill, tenacity, agility & grace of a youthful contestant in the 2015 World Yo-=Yo Championship Finals:

Animal welfare & successful, no-kill strategies

And speaking of “choices,” my life-transforming book recommendation is “Redemption  The Myth of Pet Overpopulation & the No Kill Revolution in America” by Nathan J. Winograd, 2007; ISBN 13:978-0-9790743-1-8.  Also, & Make No Kill a reality in your community:   Take the Audio/Visual tour   No Kill 101Prepare   Educate  Fight:   Win:   The methods above have been proven to save lives. If you have access to the shelter/animal control employees, their email addresses, etc at these facilities, please share this information with them too, so they learn more about all of these life saving methods too. For Just One Day, “Euthanasia Technicians” will put down their syringes & pick up cameras. Instead of injecting animals with lethal doses of sodium pentobarbital, they will photograph them & post them on the Internet, on Facebook, on twitter. In 2013, they marketed their animals to the public, they reached out to rescue groups, they hosted adoption events with discounted rates, they stayed open for extended hours, & they asked their communities to help them empty the shelter the good way.  Instead of going into body bags in freezers, the animals went out the front door in the loving arms of families. At the end of the day, the shelters were emptier than when the day started. And, no one had to die in order to make that happen.  The No Kill Advocacy Center, Animal Ark & Animal Wise Radio teamed up to offer shelters the tools they need to be successful; & &;& learn how Fix Austin transformed their city from a high-kill methodology to one that embraced the No Kill Equation, & learn what you can do in your community to achieve similar results (if your animal-control personnel aren’t interested in saving animals’ lives):     “No Kill nation is inevitable.”  … “No Kill nation we can immediately achieve.”  … “No Kill is the only legitimate standard for animal sheltering.”

11 proven-effective, No-Kill strategies:

[1] hire a compassionate shelter director who believes in & fully implements:

[2] an openadmission animal-control shelter;

[3] the number of people adopting or redeeming their lost dogs or cats;

[4] partnerships with rescue groups; [5] public relations/buyin/public-friendly community involvement;

[6] the recruitment, training, retaining & celebration of an active volunteer base;

[7] a comprehensive adoption program;

[8] increasing the number of foster homes;

[9] providing medical rehabilitationfor hurt/sick/young animals & behavior-socialization training for pet owners — to encourage pet retention;

[10] highvolume, low–cost spay/neuter &

[11] Trap/Neuter/Release of feral cats ….”

Thank you, All, for helping precious animals – by doing your part every day (e.g., by e-forwarding pet messages, adopting, fostering, rescuing, sheltering, advocating, transporting, providing pet-wellness & veterinary services, donating, volunteering with Trap/Neuter/Release of feral cats & caring) – that will help get us quickly to a No Kill Nation.   related information:  Creative way to encourage pet adoptions: (& then scroll downward to click the arrow in the middle of the page to start the video).]   Also, from another source:  there are approximately 45 cats & dogs for every person born.   Only 1 out of 10 dogs born ever get a home.  Only 1 out of 12 cats born ever find a home.  Approximately 800 dogs & cats are KILLED each HOUR in the United States, because there are not enough homes for them!  Please SPAY & NEUTER!  If looking for a pet, please rescue instead of buying from a breeder or a pet store.   Free online, award-winning documentary on the homeless pet crisis in our city & our country: (including pet-care films in English & Spanish).

sampling of my serial-entrepreneurial careers

a biographical sketch [in the Fall 2014 Lambda Log Chi Omega fraternity newsletter] of some of my serial-entrepreneurial careers:  http://www.EPageFlip.Net/i/387502